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If you're struggling to connect with buyers,
you found the right place

Mind over Markets is an introspective course that builds interpersonal skills while boosting sales confidence and developing a personal marketing strategy (aka your personal brand).


"I began building out the Mind over Markets system in 2020 while starting my master’s program in psychology.  This education, coupled with my experience in sales, led to the full 8-part system. 

I’ve used these eight components to become a national top producer.  This system has taken my business from $75k annually to seven figures but more importantly, it has made my job exponentially more enjoyable and opened so many doors to other opportunities. 

Mind over Markets spent years in testing and refining in my personal business and has since been incorporated into loan officers and realtors’ businesses across the country."

- Shivani

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Self-Paced (Online)


The full 8-step system that you can take on your own time and always come back to. 


Join the Mind over Markets Community, improve lead conversion, and get excited about the newest challenges in your industry.

Boot Camp


The full 8-step system taught in small groups with Shivani as your guide. Take a personalized look at your business and collaborate with peers and ask questions in real time. 


Live Sessions are held twice a year in the Spring and Fall and meet once a week for 8 weeks. 

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Personalized Coaching

$4,997.97 months

Get the 8-step program + 6 months of coaching with Shivani. If you are standing in your own way when it comes to marketing and feel overwhelmed (or even underwhelmed) with the idea of promoting yourself and your business, this course will provide the foundation you need to invite people outside your business in.

Build more than a client base, 
Build a community

If you are looking to improve your conversion with leads, Mind over Markets will help you identify client needs more efficiently while building sincere connections.


If you are standing in your own way when it comes to marketing and feel overwhelmed (or even underwhelmed) with the idea of promoting yourself and your business, Mind over Markets will provide the foundation you need to invite people outside your business in. 


If you are struggling to get excited about the next market cycle or newest challenge in your industry, Mind over Markets will uncover your purpose and reinspire you to grow.

Tel: 775.287.9112 |  Fax: 775.201.7915 | Email: speterson@allwesternmortgage

295 Holcomb Ave Suite 250 -  Reno,NV 89502

Corp State Lic #204 | Corp NMLS #14210 | Branch NMLS #1166050 | Equal Housing Lender

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© 2024 Shivani Peterson

Website by York Company

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